Vision-based primary localization method for SLAM mobile robots
SLAM, AMCL, ORB feature points, Initial pose, Identifying wall cornersAbstract
The AMCL (Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization) algorithm with visual provision of initial values is proposed to address the slow localization speed caused by conventional laser SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) without initial poses and the global localization failure after a robot abduction event. In the initial map building phase, the ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF) feature values are extracted from the camera and the wall corners are identified, and then the pose information is stored in the database and a feature dictionary is constructed. After restarting, the dictionary is called to perform loopback detection by receiving the images captured by the current camera, and a successful detection results in a rough initial pose. If the detection fails, the initial pose is roughly calculated by identifying the wall corners. Finally, the particle filtering algorithm scatters particles in a small area near the obtained pose and converges to obtain a relatively accurate pose.
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